Agustus 24, 2009

Sukade / Manisan Kering Labu Siam

Sukade atau manisan adalah buah-buahan yang direndam dalam air gula selama beberapa waktu. Membuat buah-buahan menjadi manisan adalah salah satu cara untuk mengawetkan bahan makanan dan hal ini sudah dilakukan sejak zaman dahulu kala. Jenis manisan ada 3 macam yaitu, manisan kering, manisan basah, dan manisan basah berkuah.

Manisan basah diperoleh setelah penirisan buah dari larutan gula, sedangkan manisan kering diperoleh bila manisan yang pertama kali dihasilkan (manisan basah) dikeringkan sampai kering. Buah-buahan yang biasa digunakan untuk membuat manisan basah adalah jenis buah yang cukup keras seperti pala, mangga, kedondong, kolang-kaling, dan lain-lain. Sedangkan buah-buahan yang biasa digunakan untuk membuat manisan kering adalah jenis buah yang lunak seperti pepaya, sirsak, dan lain-lain.

Labu siam sifatnya bergetah dan permukaannya berbiku – biku. Di dalam 100 gram labu siam terkandung 6,5 karbohidrat; 0,6 protein; 0,3 mineral dan 14 mg kalsium. Biasanya labu siam hanya diolah menjadi sayur, namun kini ada alternative pengolahan labu siam menjadi manisan kering labu siam. Sukade atau manisan kering biasanya digunakan sebagai hiasan dan campuran dalam pembuatan kue kering, roti dan sebagainya. Pembuatan sukade / manisan kering labu siam meliputi 3 proses yaitu, persiapan bahan baku, pembuatan larutan perendaman dan pembuatan sukade / manisan kering labu siam:

a. Labu siam
b. Kapur sirih
c. Garam
d. Gula pasir
e. Larutan asam sitrat 1,5 %
f. Natrium metabisulfit
g. Pewarna makanan

a. Pisau
b. Pengaduk
c. Saringan
d. Panci
e. Waskom
f. Cabinet dryer

Cara Kerja
a. Persiapan Bahan Baku
1. Labu Siam dikupas, dicuci, dipotong kubus (2×1,5×1,5) cm.
2. Potongan labu siam direndam dalam larutan kapur sirih selama satu jam.
3. Cuci dan tiriskan
4. Blansing dan kemudian ditiriskan sehingga didapat bahan baku siap pakai.
Blansing merupakan pemanasan pendahuluan dalam uap atau air panas dalam waktu singkat, terutama untuk sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan. Tujuan dari pemblansiran ini adalah :
• Membantu membersihkan bahan makanan dari kotoran – kotoran antara lain tanah, getah, insekta, dan lain – lain.
• Untuk memperbaiki tekstur.
• Menonaktifkan enzim – enzim, terutama enzim oksidase
• Menghilangkan bau dan flavor yang tidak dikehendaki.

b. Pembuatan Sirup Perendaman

Setelah persiapan bahan baku selesai, lalu dibuat larutan perendam yaitu dengan mencampurkan garam, gula, asam sitrat, natrium metabisulfit dan pewarna dalam 2 liter air kemudian panaskan hingga mendidih. Fungsi gula terutama sebagai zat pemanis ( sweeteners ), zat pengawet, penambah flavor, dan untuk memperbaiki tekstur dari buah-buahan. Air garam dan air kapur untuk mempertahankan bentuk (tekstur) serta menghilangkan rasa gatal atau getir pada buah. Asam ditambahkan untuk memperbaiki flavor. Buah-buahan dengan kandungan asam yang rendah, dapat diberi tambahan asam sitrat. Natrium metabisulfit yang ditambahkan bertujuan untuk mencegah proses pencoklatan dan mempertahankan warna agar tampak menarik. Sedangkan zat pewarna ditambahkan ke dalamnya dengan tujuan untuk memberikan kenampakan yang menarik.

c. Pembuatan Sukade

1. Bahan baku siap pakai direndam dalam sirup perendam yang mendidih (10 menit).
2. Didinginkan dengan cepat
3. Dilakukan perendaman lagi dengan larutan perendam selama 24 jam.
4. Pisahkan bahan dari larutan perendam
5. Cuci dengan air panas kemudian tiriskan
6. Sukade /manisan basah yang dihasilkan lau dikeringkan dengan cabinet dryer pada suhu 400C selama 9 jam.
7. Kemas dalam plastik.
(Sumber gambar:

Agustus 17, 2009

Cara cepat update PageRank Google

Mau tahu Cara cepat update PageRank di Google? Makanya jangan pernah menganggap remeh penyebaran produk dengan pemasaran sistem Multi Level Marketing? Dan dalam postingan kali ini saya mau mencoba mengajak kamu semua untuk memanfaatkan kedahsyatan faktor kali dan kecepatan penyebaran ini dalam bentuk backlink.

Caranya gampang kok, Yang perlu kamu lakukan adalah meletakkan link-link berikut ini di blog atau artikel kamu

1. Detik
2. Okezone
4. wordpress
5. ilmu-belajar-komputer
6. SEO Tutorial
7. Artis News
8. fansclubartis
9. Lerry060103

Tapi ingat, sebelum kamu meletakkan link diatas, kamu harus menghapus peserta nomor 1 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Yang tadi nomor 2 jadi nomor 1, nomor 3 jadi 2, dst. Kemudian masukkan link kamu sendiri di bagian paling bawah (nomor 10).

Jika tiap peserta mampu mengajak 5 orang saja, maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah

Ketika posisi kamu 10, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 9, jml backlink = 5
Posisi 8, jml backlink = 25
Posisi 7, jml backlink = 125
Posisi 6, jml backlink = 625
Posisi 5, jml backlink = 3,125
Posisi 4, jml backlink = 15,625
Posisi 3, jml backlink = 78,125
Posisi 2, jml backlink = 390,625
Posisi 1, jml backlink = 1,953,125

Dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang kamu inginkan. Dari sisi SEO kamu sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan efek sampingnya jika pengunjung web para downline kamu mengklik link itu, juga membuat blog kamu mendapatkan traffik tambahan.

Nah, silahkan copy paste artikel ini, dan hilangkan peserta nomor 1 lalu tambahkan link blog/website kamu di posisi 10. Ingat, kamu harus mulai dari posisi 10 agar hasilnya maksimal. Karena jika kamu tiba2 di posisi 1, maka link kamu akan hilang begitu ada yang masuk ke posisi 10.

Selamat mencoba :lol:

Agustus 05, 2009

Business Law

Memulai suatu usaha tentu memerlukan pemahaman memadai tentang hukum perusahaan terkait sehingga bisnis dapat dijalankan dalam koridor hukum yang benar. Hal ini seringkali luput dari perhatian para entrepreneur/wirausaha pemula dan baru menjadi masalah setelah usaha mereka bertambah besar atau bahkan jika mereka tersangkut perkara hukum yang seringkali sebenarnya hanya berakar dari ketidaktahuan dan mungkin ketidakpedulian dari para pelaku bisnis.

Diperlukan workshop yang bisa memberikan pembekalan aspek hukum yang penting bagi para calon entrepreneur/wirausaha dan entrepreneur/wirausaha pemula. Mulai dari aspek hukum pendirian dan perijinan perusahaan, perlindungan terhadap merek dan logo perusahaan, rambu-rambu hukum penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam menjalankan perusahaan serta aspek hukum penting terkait perjanjian secara umum.

Selain itu juga diperlukan trainer yang sangat berpengalaman dalam hukum perusahaan dan perjanjian, baik dalam teori maupun praktek. Juga diperlukan Notaris yang berpengalaman dalam pembuatan akta-akta terkait pendirian dan perubahan anggaran dasar perusahaan serta pengurusan perijinan perusahaan.

Agustus 04, 2009

Become a Mom Entrepreneur in Three Days

Startup Sunday

I never thought I would become an entrepreneur. I'm a mom with a mortgage. I am remarkably risk averse. I like predictable income.

But these days, I actually feel more secure working for multiple clients rather than one employer who could run into financial trouble and leave me without any income. Did I mention I have a mortgage to pay?

So if you're thinking about becoming an entrepreneur, whether you're a mom or not, here's my message: take the leap.

You don't have to quit your job, take six months to write an amazing business plan and raise $100,000 in venture capital. You can start exploring your entrepreneurial idea on the side of a day job or while staying home with your kids. In fact, you can launch your business in three days. Here's how:

Day 1 to Become a Mom Entrepreneur

On the first day, you figure out what you want to do and what you will charge. If you're a professional with a specific skill -- such as an accountant or lawyer -- talk to independent professionals in the same field about the rates they charge. If you're selling a product, look at the competing products and make a dispassionate decision about where yours falls in the quality scale, and what you can charge.

Make sure you understand your employer's policies regarding outside work and stay within those boundaries. The last thing you want to do is start an outside gig that gets you fired!

Day 2 to Become a Mom Entrepreneur

On the second day, buy business cards and set up a Web site. Business cards are available at low cost at a number of online sites such as Vista Print, or your local copy shop.

You can easily create a basic Web site free with blogging software on Blogger or Wordpress, or pay for a site through Typepad, Yahoo! small business, or a similar vendor. These services are remarkably easy to use and your site doesn't need to be fancy to be effective.

For mom entrepreneurs setting up as a consultant, put up a brief summary of your resume and the services you offer. If you can include samples of your work or case studies, do so. Again, make sure you don't violate any of your employer's policies and get fired.

For mom entrepreneurs selling a product, upload some gorgeous photos of the item and describe how it works and what differentiates it from similar products on the market. If you have friends who have tried it, get their testimonials about how much they love it and put them on your site.
Day 3 to Become a Mom Entrepreneur

On the third day, land your first client. Or make your first sale. Until you actually put it into action, you'll never know whether you have the seeds of a great business or not. From there, you can figure everything else out.


You may think I'm being facetious, but I'm serious. Okay, you will have a lot of work remaining to fully launch your business, but this three-day plan will get you started on the path to being a mom entrepreneur. (If you think there's a problem with this plan, leave a comment describing your objection or concern. I will do my best to address it -- I love troubleshooting.)

Posted by Katherine Lewis in Entrepreneurs, Work | Permalink

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Mekarsari: How To Increase The Traffic To Your Website

Mekarsari: How To Increase The Traffic To Your Website

Agustus 01, 2009

How To Increase The Traffic To Your Website

I get asked this all the time, whether via Alexa's forums, or after work by my friends: How do I get more traffic to my Web site? I wish there was just some simple button that I could tell people to push and that it would solve all their traffic issues. But it doesn't exist; if it did, everybody would already be using it.

But there are whole heaps of great advice, which if followed, will lead to more visitors to your site. What follows is a simple to follow list of best practices to help get you on your way.

1. On-Site Factors. Start with your site. You need to make it the best it can be. So that it will be attractive to visitors AND search engines.

* Keywords. What is your site about? Find a few key words and phrases that you think describe your site and that people may actually enter into a search box on Google. If you pick very popular keywords and phrases, you might be disappointed. Millions of people will search for those keywords and phrases, but you will be way down the search results because lots of sites are optimized for those phrases. If you pick less popular keywords and phrases, you may have a shot of actually showing up in the search results because fewer sites have optimized for those keywords and phrases.

* Optimize Your Site. Use your keywords and phrases on your site. Put them in the title of your page, in the H1 tags, metatags and throughout your site. Use them in the text of links that point to your page. Shoot for having keyword density of about 6%.

* Have Good Content. You should strive to have something new on your site once per day. Don't let your site get stale... Google's algorithms will notice and so will visitors to your site. If you don't have a lot of time to create unique content every day, consider putting up a daily poll, creating a forum on your site, or leaving a comments field/Guest Book for visitors to fill out. If you use Twitter or Facebook, you can have your updates automatically appear on your site.

* Unique Value Proposition. Give something away on your site to your visitors to remember you by. Otherwise people may forget your site and won't come back. You can find interesting content on, or you can give them a custom Alexa Toolbar. Just give them something.

* Create A Sitemap. Every time you update content on your site you should update your sitemap and submit the site map to Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, etc.. There are lots of free sitemap tools out there. Find one and get started. It is a great way to let Google know when your site is updated.

* Return Visitors. How are you going to get people to return to your site after they have left? You may want to consider an e-mail newsletter. But don't spam... please. If people like your content let them sign up to get your newsletter. You should also allow people to subscribe to your updates via facebook or twitter. Most blogs offer easy plugins for this feature.

* Link Bait. People love lists. Make lists of things that are relevant to your site and put them on your site, like top ten fishing sites. Then let the sites in your list know you have made your list. They may take that list and put it on their site... Or give out awards like "fishing site of the week." which brings us to...

2. Off-Site Factors. Once you have a great site you need to start thinking about other factors, mostly links. If nobody links to your site you are going to have a tough time getting seen in Google's results. More links = better placement in Google. So how do you get links?

* Link Number One. The first link is easy. Alexa already has a link to your site, and Alexa's page rank is high, so the link from Alexa counts more than most. You just need to let Google know that Alexa has a link to your site. How do you do that? Install the Google Toolbar then visit Alexa. But be sure to put your Alexa Toolbar back!

* Get Listed In Directories. Directories that are relevant to your site are generally more important than others, so if your site is about basket weaving, find a basket weaving directory and ask them to list your site. Get listed in as many as possible. And then find other general directories like DMOZ and get listed there. Are there Wikipedia articles that should list your site as a place for more information on a topic? Get listed.

* Participate In Social Media. Find forums that are relevant to your content and participate... a lot. Update your signature footer on the forum to include a link to your site. Use Twitter, Facebook, Digg, but, in all cases, do not just post or write about your own site. Nobody cares. Write and post about things that you care about, sometimes your site, and people who like your posts may make their way over to your site.

* Have Something Newsworthy. If you have something newsworthy, don't just blog about it. First post it as a press release on your site, then update your sitemap, then post it to the newswires, then submit it to ezine articles, Article Base and/or Go Articles, then blog about it, twitter about it, etc. If you do it right you will have at least a couple of new links to your site, and if you do it really right you could have dozens of new links.

* Advertise. There are lots of great advertising solutions out there. Google AdWords is a great place to start and, if done well, can offer you a good deal on targeted traffic. Display advertising can be effective and affordable as well. The social networks are now offering do-it-yourself advertising at reasonable prices, and even Alexa allows you to advertise at inexpensive CPMs.

And, as always, install the Alexa Toolbar. It won't increase the traffic to your site, but it won't hurt and you will be helping Alexa to track your site and helping the entire Internet Community by contributing to Alexa's Traffic Data.

Getting more traffic to your site is a journey. Take the first steps today, and with a little hard work and some luck, you will be counting your visitors in the millions before too long.